Monday, December 5 • New York Produce Show

Cornell University

Future Leaders in Produce

Jim Prevor8:00-8:30 am Welcome and Introductory Comments 
James Prevor
Founder and Editor-in-Chief: Produce Business,, New York Produce Show and Conference

Rod Hawkes8:30-10:00 am Fresh Produce – The Consumer Perspective: Trends and Issues
Rod Hawkes
Senior Extension Associate


10:00-10:15 am Break

Kristen Park10:15-10:45 am The U.S. Food System: The Central Role of Fresh Produce
Kristen Park
Extension Associate

Miguel Gomez10:45-12:00 pm The Global Reach of the U.S. Produce Industry
Miguel Gomez
Associate Professor

12:00-1:15 pm Lunch, Panel Discussion
Jim Prevor’s Produce-Industry-Professionals Panel

Edward McLaughlin width=1:15 – 2:30 pm The Retailer-Supplier Relationship
Edward McLaughlin

2:30 – 2:45 pm Break

2:45 – 4:00 pm Career Development: Key Success Factors
Rod Hawkes
Senior Extension Associate

4:00 – 4:30 pm Q&A and Suggestions for Further Professional Development
Open Floor to all participants

4:30 – 4:45 pm Closing Comments and Observations
James Prevor
Founder and Editor-in-Chief: Produce Business,, New York Produce Show and Conference